This just in...
The RIAA certified Gold Tim McGraw's album "Number One Hits", which includes Jeffrey Steele's song "The Cowboy In Me". This was Steele's first no. 1 song, co-written with Al Anderson and Craig Stroudavarious Records duo LoCash Cowboys produced by Jeffrey Steele just jumped up another spot on the Billboard charts this week to number 36 with their latest single "Keep In Mind" written by Jeffrey Steele & Shane Minor! Keep calling your local stations to request "Keep In Mind"Want to keep on the latest with Jeffrey Steele and publishing company 3 Ring Circus Music? Check out the new Facebook Page HEREDon't forget you can still get tables for the 4th annual Jeffrey Steele & Friends benefit for the Alex Fund! There are only 8 tables left and we just added Billy Ray Cyrus to the line-up! You don't want to miss this event. Get your table HERE